Oh! How I love you!

So... the final countdown begins, who will wear the hat?
I used to have 4 little turtles,Violetta, Krystal, Pig and Shaun. I used to eat tons of candy corn in Jorge Luis's office. Lets imagine it's a countdown to get into the past were everything has changed in a quite radical way. Where I won't be living in my "smells like turtles used to live here" room, a life in which I won't go back to the same routine, no more uniforms or Calculus tests, no more graduation things, no more nuns, for God's sake! I know that is gone by now, I'm aware of it, and I wouldn't like to go back to those times either, it's over, facts are already faced.

It's so strange, you know? Suddenly you look at things in a very different way, you appreciate more the fact that you have friends here and there, you try to save everything, even the little chips, because you know you won't see it again... at least not like it is now. There's this song by The Thrills, "Santa Cruz", in which they say: (wait, just a funny fact, right now while I was looking for the lyrics I found out that what I wanted to quote is not in the song! So in the beginning I thought "Oh crap, my english sucks!" but after I listened again to my Santa cruz song and voilà, there it is, what I wanted to write! I don't have the slightest idea of why I have this weird version, but still I think it is better that the normal one) mmm mmm So, as I was saying:
Villains come and villains will go/ but hero's name is set in stone... Are you gonna be still writing songs for me?
I'll keep on writing songs, storing stones, remembering eyes and eyelashes, breathing dawns and killing sunsets. My city, my friends, my babies, my adoptive parents, my dreadful french, my crushes, my tears, my scars and wounds, my thoughts, the beloved ones and the ones who already left. My Loco Mosquito and the eternal beers. The argentinian accent. Madness about architecture (and architects) The poems I never wrote. The empty canvas. Painting somewhere else.
Am I ready to go back? J'espère ma petite, j'espère...

Currently listening: C'mere- Interpol
Santa Cruz - The thrills
Little Sister- Jewel
Twenty Years- Placebo

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Mi niña, mi niña, nonono es que si, es muy nostalgico, es que casi me pongo a llorar al leer eso. Cada dia te exraño mas y mas... bueno espero que no haya sido demasiado agotador el dia ya q en el horario que hablamos estabas media cruzada con tus niños.ahahahhah que si e agarro la nostalgia... se nota y mucho.

Anónimo dijo...

Mi Tani del alma, que te puedo decir en cierta forma entiendo lo que sientes, el volver a tu pais, en volver a encontrarte con tu casa, con tus amigos, ocn todo lo que habias dejado ya hce bastante tiempo. Son cosas que hay que enfrentar dela vida, son momentos que uno no puede saltearlos.Cada cosa que paso esta e tu mente es una de las cosas mas lindas que tenemos poder recordar todo y tener una experiencia como la que viviste y aun estas vieviendo es algo maravilloso. Disfruta por mi esos ultimos momentos y llevate todo lo que viviste en tu corazon y en tu mente. te quiero mucho mi mex querida!!!!

andrea dijo...

Creo que nunca estás listo para regresar. Muchas veces siento que no he regresado pero me gusta saberme un poco allá.

Anónimo dijo...

OK Mex, you're making me a little sad with this blog thing...I'm thinking you're going to need to cheer up and enjoy the time you have left here honey! When the line-up comes out for ACL, I'll send you the link...maybe you can skip a few days of school to listen to kick ass bands! Mommy will never know ;) haha