Song for clay

It's been almost two weeks since my last post. But life is going so fast that I don't even know where to start...

It didn't stop. It started raining at 1 am, and since that moment on it didn't stop. I said goodbye and he broke something, I still don't know what, but I had thought better about him. I was wrong. Life keeps me on living an eternal proof. Endless rain. Pouring, really really bad. Hugs to the kids, staring at my ex-home. Astonishing farewell in the train station. Changing trains in 8 minutes. The million thoughts can't be replaced. Just one moment. And then it's gone. Like dawn.

Airports. People, ideas and my daddy. Paris was great, unbelievable for both of us, I couldn't asimilate the fact that he was there. I guess he couldn't believe it either. We did everything we had to, said everything we wanted to, enjoyed everything we needed to. I love my daddy and my daddy loves me, yeah! jajajaja

Concerts. There is nothing that makes me happier than a good motherfuckin' concert. Well, in a week we went to three. Revenge time. So here's the list. starsailorrollingstonesheyheymymythegeesarchivemuse ahhhhh Muse. Muse vs Rolling Stones? They did not play Paint it black. Not even Wild horses! On the other hand, Muse played Plug in Baby. Butterflies and Hurricanes. UNINTENDED for god's sake! I dare to admit it was the best concert EVER, and I've been in many many MANY concerts in my short and valuable life, jajaja.
Chilango Love. Pollution city. Beautiful comeback. My friends and, once again, airports. I'm adjusting, trying to get into my "normal" life, and now, what is normal? Which one is the best path? Am I right or just going with the flow? The only fucking thing I know is thet I love my DF, there's no place I'd rather be. There are some funny facts, like walking and rediscovering my hometown, the new establishments, bridges, the closed stores and the new stories. I know it is a process, I'm still in phase 1, lets see if it doesn't end up killing me (which is quite unlikely, but life is unpredictable

Bulldog nights. My best friends ever and a couple of good songs, should I say more?

My biggest highlight? My space invader collector's edition brochure. I agree with whoever says so, Colette rocks.

And now, my nostalgic touch, two of my favorite french new songs. Et je sais que personne a aimé le video de Cristophe Willem, mais j'adore regarder les gens danser (got it?) No, seriously, did you read the lyrics? It is one of the most ambiguous songs right now. And I like it. And hell yeah! Philippe Katerine and his robot crew. My sister said it is like a french Miranda! Who knows

Well, that's enough for today, maybe one day I'll start writing again littlest things that change the perception of my so called "chronical writer's block". Wish me luck, and dissapear here.

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Mi Niñaaaaaaaa Bonitaaaaaaaa!!!!!! uffff lo que me cuesta el ingles!!!! mucha fiaca leer en ese idioma!!! me encantaron los videos!!!! sobre todo el primero. Me alegro que la pasaras bien en Paris, es un lugar muy lindo!!!!

andrea dijo...

salut! le francais me manque...c'est comme ca (jaja)
la segunda me dio muchìsima risa no se por qué.

Anónimo dijo...

Mi niñaaaaaaaaaaaaa pasa un dia y no sabes todo lo que tengo para contarte!!! jajjajj es q estoy a full con el laburo y el estudio pero termino d erendir el jueves asi q voy a estar con menos cosas.
hablamos prontito!!!!!!! te quieroooooooo bocha mal!!!

Anónimo dijo...


tan...* dijo...

magnifique quoi mon cherie? Cornelia tu me manques trop trop trop!!!! Y si, philippe katerine es un irreverente y por eso nos cae bien!